I was invited to create a workshop for the staff at the Wellcome Collection based on my experience of accessing the archives as someone with dyslexia. The workshop was held in The Wellcome Collection and invited the staff to 'read' the space through a dyslexic lens. Each animation depicts a task that invited participants to employ an aspect of dyslexic reasoning.
The framework of the workshop was influenced by the book The Dyslexic Advantage by Dr. Brock and Fernette Eide. Not only has this book been important to my own understanding of dyslexia over the years, but it also outlines four fundamental skills dyslexic people are better at than those who are neurotypical. It uses the acronym MIND, which stands for Material, Interconnected, Narrative, and Dynamic reasoning. This felt like a good framework for the workshop because it celebrated what dyslexic people do well but also would make participants reflect on how academic spaces can be excluding people with dyslexia.
The colors used in the visual instructions are taken from reading overlay sheets. Dyslexia overlays, also known as colored overlays or tinted overlays, are thin sheets of colored transparent plastic that can be placed over white sheets of text in order to make it easier for dyslexic people to read.
Material Reasoning
Interconnected Reasoning

Narrative Reasoning

Dynamic Reasoning